Tide times and angling advice

The 2024 tide timetable
Essential for a memorable holiday on the island of Oléron, the tide timetable will guide you throughout your stay. High and low tide times and coefficients to help you decide on the best beach at the best time. The timetables are available from April to December.
Tide times and fishing tips
We also offer you some essential advice on fishing on foot. Recognise the species present and respect the quotas to preserve the foreshore of the Ile d'Oléron. At La Brande campsite, you'll find rulers and documentation on protected areas. We can help you find the best fishing areas.
Practical advice on recreational fishing
At the heart of the Parc Naturel Marin de l'estuaire de la Gironde et de la mer des Pertuis (Gironde estuary and Pertuis sea marine park), the Oleron foreshores are generous places where nature is original and varied. Let's preserve this exceptional richness by adopting a few simple behaviours:
- Only take what you can eat at home;
- Use a measuring tool and sort your catch as you go along;
- Respect the natural environment: if you have lifted them, put the rocks back in place (algae towards the light).
Fishing limits
In Charente-Maritime, fishing for live species is limited to :
- Oysters, sea urchins, black scallops, mussels and razor clams: 5 kg max per angler and per trip
- Prays: 3 kg max per angler and per trip
- Coques and Tellines (flions): 2 kg max per angler and per trip
- Clams: 200 units max per angler and per trip
- Sea spiders: 6 units max per angler and per trip
Taking all species together, shellfish fishing on foot must not exceed 5 kg per angler and per trip. It is forbidden to fish for shellfish within 25 m of marine farming concessions. Rulers and leaflets are available from tourist offices. Check out the latest regulations on the CPIE Marennes-Oléron website.